Obesity Treatment & Surgery

Obesity is considered one of the most serious diseases of both today and the future. It can be defined as “accumulation of excess fat tissue in the body”. Obesity is an important public health problem that causes changes in life and eating habits, excessive consumption of processed and health-threatening industrial foods and other factors resulting in both chronic diseases and loss of life comfort. Obesity Surgery is a powerful option for those who want to lose weight, but could not achieve this with various ways, such as sports, diet programs and different treatment methods. And this is one of the most effective methods in the treatment of the disease and achieves very successful results in the long term. Obesity surgery is preferred for a fit and healthier life. The operations are successfully carried out by expert surgeons & teams here in TURKEY…


Bariatric surgery can be applied to individuals aged between 18-60 years. Before the surgery, the patient’s eating-drinking habits, lifestyle, diabetes, blood pressure are taken into consideration.

The requirements for the surgical treatment of those who wish to benefit from this treatment are as follows:

  • People, whose body mass index is more than 40 and body mass index is between 35-40 and have obesity related diseases such as hypertension, sleep apnea, diabetes, heart failure,
  • People, who carried out various diet programs and different treatment methods to lose weight and fail,
  • People with obesity disease who cannot been treated for at least 5 years,
  • People who can handle surgery and anesthesia.

Gastric Botox

In Gastric Botox procedure, it is entered into the stomach endoscopically under anesthesia. The prepared botulinum toxin is injected into several foci of the stomach wall. As a result, it is expected that the stomach movements will slow down, the stomach will be emptied late, the feeling of fullness will last and the weight loss will be expected. This is a daily operation. The patient is discharged in the same day.

Intragastric Balloon / Gastric Balloon

Gastric Balloon is applied endoscopically. The balloon with its suitable duration, which is decided according to the weight and preference of the patient, is released into the stomach and inflated. The inner area of ​​the stomach is narrowed and creates a feeling of satiety because it creates fullness and is expected to be saturated with less amount when food is taken. The gastric balloon is again removed endoscopically. This is a daily operation. The patient is discharged in the same day.

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomi / Gastric Sleeve

Sleeve Gastrectomy; is an operation based on the reduction of stomach volume. It can also be expressed as a limiting method. It is a laparoscopic surgery performed under anesthesia by entering the patient through small holes without making a large incision in the abdomen. The stomach’s secretion hormone is secreted and the majority of the body part is removed and the stomach volume is reduced.

Laparoscopic Gastric By-Pass Surgery

Reducing the volume of the stomach, reducing the amount of food the patient can take, small intestine combined with the region of the small stomach and thus the way the food travel is done to shorten the absorption path. In this sense, it is both restrictive and an anti-sorption surgery.

Metabolic / Diabetes Surgery

The term metabolic surgery now defines diabetes surgery. Patients with type 1 diabetes cannot benefit from surgery. It can be applied in type 2 diabetes depending on the level of insulin secreted from the pancreas. Its basic principles are providing the effective use and adequacy of the body’s insulin.

Sleeve Gastrectomy with Loop Bipartition

It is a surgical method in the treatment of uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes Disease associated with obesity. In this operation, a planned and measured portion of the small intestine is planted near the stomach outlet after having a large tube of gastric sleeve. Thus, intestinal passage is provided both by normal and short path. Blood sugar is controlled and the patient loses weight.

Sleeve Gastrectomy with Roux en Y Bipartition

Also in this operation, a planned and measured part of the small intestine is cut after making a gastric sleeve. The tip near the large intestine is attached to the stomach outlet.  The upper end is sutured near the large intestine and provides an effective control of blood sugar and diabetes.

Duodenal Switch Surgery

Duedonal Switch, also known as biliopancreatic diversion surgery is a high rate of absorption inhibitor and partly volume limiting surgery. It is like a combination of by-pass and sleeve. This operation can be presented as a surgical option in patients who have diabetes and who have a body mass index of more than 50 and have a previous gastric surgery. It is also one of the most appropriate approaches for patients with uncontrolled diabetes.